I think every Security "Professional" reaches a point in their career where they burn out.. Where even reading a security article about 0-days, vulnerabilities, social engineering just doesn't do it for you... Where all the doom and gloom and 'truth' about computer security sets in and takes you over. There is no real/true computer security, like there is no real security in life. You can live your life, never leave your house, and feel more secure but live a dull life. In computer security it is the unspoken fact in security circles that there is no real security. You will always walk into a situation with a client/customer/etc where they 'think' they have a security plan but it is really just based on 'hope', not backed by strong practices/policies/procedures. They patch up one infected/compromised machine and move on with business as usual, never really fixing the underlying problem.
But with every new dawn comes a new day. Now it is time to start talking about the real problems with security and how we can fix them.