- Skills training in entrepreneurship (communication skills; computer training; basic business skills, and financial management).
- Continuation support: substance and drug abuse programming
- Ongoing spiritual guidance and counseling
- Revenue production: OFC will have several revenue-producing enterprises (farm operations; refurbished computer sales; auto repair/resale; painting/drywall repair and other minor home improvement; wholesale nursery; landscape services; country store outlet; call-center; clean power generation, and manufacturing of wholesale/retail goods)
- Money earned (3 to 6 months of living expenses) will be held in each participant’s savings account. Rationale: 72% of repeat offenders are due to lack of support structure; skills; family support or financial resources to re-establish position in community.
- Each program participant will have up to 1/8 acre plot for self-sufficient produce growing and selling of same to local community. Rationale: Gain hands-on entrepreneurial experience
- Outreach: Local community interface to build solid relations and confidence